The past few weeks have been a struggle, I have been tired, when normally I am excited about every day and rip raring to go when I get out of bed, but lately its been so hard. I have moments of great happiness and times of being sad, angry and frustrated. I can usually put my finger on the things that set me off into a spiral of negatives, but this time just haven't been able to.
Today was one of those days when I wish I had a magic wand to make the world stop. To pause everything for just a little while, to get off the roller coaster of life and just breath...

Its so easy to get caught up in every day of life and get dragged into the spiral of negatives and then your world gets filled more and more with the negatives and its becomes harder to find the positives in every day living. As I need to keep more positives than negatives in my life to stay on track with my eating disorder recovery, and not fall into the easy part of relapsing. I need to stay connected with my dreams of swimming and with Winter upon us here in the Southern Hemisphere there will be less swimming in the ocean and more time spent in the pool.
This week I came across the longest open water swim in the world...yes its in America, to swim the 8 bridges down the Hudson River. How amazing it would be to do this, 192km over seven days. I have this set in my sights in the next few years. Or it will be one lotto win and I am there next year. So with such a massive long term goal in mind the training I am doing now will work towards the longer goal. My biggest training issue will be not to get injured, and become a faster swimmer, which is happening each week, but I will need to be faster.

How is it that the negatives in our lives seem to make the biggest dent in us than the positives, which sometimes can seem to disappear so quickly. How do I stop this from happening. Knowing that some situations bring negative feelings, I guess its having the will to shift those negatives quicker and not dwell on them, and bring positives back into the front of my mind sooner, than later. I find music is my biggest positive. I feel I can loose myself in the music I listen to, and especially when I am in the car and have the music up loud and singing my heart out. This I have learnt more and more each week is a necessity, watching a beautiful young lady who does this each time I pick her up for work and belts out her favourite songs and doesn't care who can hear her. She shows me just how easy it is to have fun.
Have a great day/evening...
Hayley xx
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