Explore: to look into closely; scrutinize; examine
Dream: an aspiration; goal; aim
Discover: to see, get knowledge of, learn of, find, or find out; gain sight or knowledge of (something previously unseen or unknown)
In order for us to reach our goals I guess we need to follow the above. Explore what makes you excited, Dream of how you can do it, and Discover that you can!
For many years now I have always had some "crazy" goal or dream that I have wanted to reach. Even now as I can no longer run, and my dream of making it to the Boston Marathon is no longer, I have explored another way of reaching new dreams and discovering new things I am capable of doing. I guess the saying, "when one door closes, another door opens" is so very true. I have always loved the water, the ocean and yes even the pool. So going into marathon swimming doesn't seem all that crazy to me, other people see it as being crazy, but for me its another way of exploring what I am capable of doing, and learning new things, and meeting new people along the way.
This week has seen me take my swimming to a new level, in regards to distance, I was swimming 10 kilometers a week and now I am up to 25-30 kilometers a week which is great. I have one rest day at this point in time and will allow a second rest day if needed, even though I really don't enjoy rest days at all.

On Monday I did two kilometers in the morning in a 25m pool and then in the afternoon headed for my favourite pool (50m) and powered through a three kilometer swim, and was feeling great even though a little tired. Tuesday I was back into the 50m pool for a solid five kilometer swim, which was wonderful, as it had been quite some time since I did that length of swim in the pool, that was normally left for the open water swims. Wednesday was into another pool that my training partner and I use each Wednesday, and this time it was 1000m then 500m slightly faster, another 500m still keeping a strong pace, then 1000m to finish off to reach our three kilometers for the day. It felt like a hard session as I was feeling fatigued from the days before, but still feeling good for doing the session and distance.
Today was a rest day, not my favourite day of the week, but one that has to happen, which I have learnt over time or the risk of injury and over training happens. So I learnt today that I feel more tired when I haven't been swimming than the days that I have, and part of that is the wonderful feeling of endorphin's I get, and the warmth I feel from my muscles after a good solid swim. So it is back into the pool tomorrow morning for another five kilometer swim and the same both Saturday and Sunday as well. Which will finish off an awesome week of swimming.
We need to explore the possibilities in life, dream the wildest dreams to reach those possibilities and discover just how amazing bringing those dreams to fruition will be.
Have a great Friday tomorrow and the best weekend...
Hayley xx
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