So as we only have four days left of 2014, and 2015 ahead, here is my challenge for myself and anyone else whom wishes to join me. Cut out the processed foods, remove the processed sugars, and eat fresh real food.
Below is a link to a very interesting article on studies done over seas on processed foods and the link between autoimmune disease and diet. This article is more on the salt levels in processed, take-a-way foods in the US. As I live in Australia we are another country that has similar situations with the amount of salt and sugar in processed foods, and alike.
Yesterday I sat and read this very interesting article that I came across on Facebook, it has merits, though there are areas that I personally feel to go against what I believe. I know we all have our own beliefs and ideas when it comes to being fit and healthy. I just found this article extremely interesting and made me sit back and really think. As I go forward into my Personal Training studies its good to see and learn different things that can be put into perspective with clients and that can also be changed.
Its interesting to read different peoples opinions on weight, loosing weight, obesity, and their idea of a healthy lifestyle.
Today is the start to re-motivating myself to living a healthy life and the best I can.
Have a great week everyone...
Hayley xx
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