Today started out to be not a pleasant one. Feeling down and grumpy after only 30 minutes in the pool this morning, due to foot being extremely sore. The frustration of the pain, not being able to do much at all, and walking well that is done hobbling and so going to the gym really isn't going to help, just can't put pressure on the foot.
So I sit at my desk, with a plate full of salad and cold meat (ham and salami) typing, with Phil Collins playing in the background, trying to pick myself up and see how I can turn this frustration and grumpiness into something a little more positive. So with deciding not to go to swimming training tonight, which is feeling so alien to me, I at least have given myself some time to blog, work on my website and write my book.
Now I am normally a very positive person, but when I get to a point of not being able to exercise or even being able to take my Golden Retriever for a walk, I have a tendency to loose the plot a little bit. So this is what I might be looking at in regards the foot is, another cortisone injection with it being either in a boot, or cast to keep it immobilized to allow it to heal properly, as I am on my feet about 90% of the day. So it will be interesting to see what the plan, is and the time that I won't be able to do any training.
This is the time when I need to find things that make me laugh, like the quote to the left here. Even as I am typing I am having a chuckle, at least for a bit it takes my mind off the pain.
Its hard not to think of what I will do after I find out what treatment I will have, will I be able to do swimming, will I have to rest for weeks, oh I hope not, I don't think my family will like that. I get to the point of being extremely grumpy when I haven't done exercise. I had been 4 days since I last did a proper training session not including this mornings 30 minutes. So the endorphin's aren't getting the boost through the body and mind that I feel like I need. I have for a long time felt the happiest when I have had an endorphin rush, it just makes me feel awesome and happy. I know that isn't the healthiest way to be happy, but for me it has worked for so long, but seeing that when I am injured and need extended time off I get the grumps really badly. But previously I was able to still go walking long distances, or walk the dog, or just get out and do things, but this time is different, I am at a complete stand still. So this is all very new.

Ok so here are the positives, I get to focus on my weight gain that I need in order to do the Perth to Rottnest Swim in a couple of years, which will then allow me to have the energy and strength to get back in to my training when I am able to. It also allows me to focus on my writing, website some study and research.
So as a little pick me up, its me my computer, chocolate coated honeycomb and water. Hope everyone has a better week than me and I will let you all know how things go on Wednesday with specialist.
Hayley xx