I am feeling a little hyped up right at the moment!!!!!!!
I have just watched video on Obesity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8dWNbEscOw) this doctor is saying Insulin is one of major causes of obesity. I am sorry, but I really don't believe this, I believe changes in insulin secretion would come down to partly what you eat, how much you exercise, chemical reactions in the body and yes there are definitely hereditary and medical related issues. I had been reading about High Fat and Low Carb diets. Seriously people what ever happened to having a little commonsense about what you put in your body and how you treat it.
I saw an article on FB about High Fat Low Carb diets, and thought I would look further into it. On the initial article it didn't mention anything about healthy fats, until you get deeper into the subject. Look seriously wouldn't commonsense say hey stodgy food isn't great for you and only eat it small amounts of carbohydrate, (high GI ones), but fill up on lean meats and fish. Lots of salad and vegetables. Keep your intake of bread, white potato, highly processed foods, etc down as well, as they can be heavy, also don't eat at 10pm and then go straight to bed, that isn't good either.. Especially if you eat high GI (Glycemic Indexed) food. The glycemic index or glycaemic index (GI) is a number associated with a particular type of food that indicates the food's effect on a person's blood glucose (also called blood sugar) level. The number typically ranges between 50 and 100, where 100 represents the standard, an equivalent amount of pure glucose Wikipedia. So for example The glycemic index is usually applied in the context of the quantity of the food and the amount of carbohydrate in the food that is actually consumed. A related measure, the glycemic load (GL), factors this in by multiplying the glycemic index of the food in question by the carbohydrate content of the actual serving. Watermelon has a high glycemic index, but a low glycemic load for the quantity typically consumed. Fructose, by contrast, has a low glycemic index, but can have a high glycemic load if a large quantity is consumed. Of course eating high sugary foods is going to have an affect on your insulin levels that would be a given, so of course you will have insulin spikes and crashes which are horrible. This is why a well balanced way of eating (I hate the word Diet), and good exercise is the best way to reduce weight, and in some cases gain (it did for me)
During my time of having an eating disorder I tried to gain weight on my own before seeking any help. I watched a TV show about eating a balanced diet, by dropping your carbohydrates to once a day and when you have carbs to have protein and vegetables or salad as well. I did this for a month and managed to put on 2kg, then it all got to hard and I went back to my old eating disorder habits, living off of sugar and processed foods, and managed to loose the 2kg and more. So its true low carbs work for gaining weight (for petite people) and I can say for those who are looking to loose weight. The biggest part is eating at the right time of day and exercise as well. I believe it comes down to the tradition of Calories In to Calories Out.
I might be looked upon as someone who doesn't understand those who are obese, because I am someone who has had anorexia. I have seen my mother go on yo-yo diets forever and all the time the weight came back on and with extra. She paid lots of money to loose the weight because she was going on a holiday. Well hello that is the wrong reason to loose the weight in the first place. To watch this happen and she gets back from her holiday and the weight is back on and extra, seriously what are you thinking???? Why can't we be more invested in looking after the bodies we have, we only have them for such a short time. We are not immortal and live for ever.
I understand that people are over weight due to thyroid and other medical issues, as well as over eating, indulging and not exercising enough, have we thought just how much this puts as strain on the medical field, hospitals each year?
Here are some Stats from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare on Obesity: 3 in 5 Adults are over weight or obese that is over 12 million people:
Over 30%
more people living in outer regional and remote areas are obese than people living in major cities.
3rd place
Overweight and obesity is only beaten by smoking and high blood pressure as a contributor to burden of disease.
Eating disorders are estimated to affect approximately 9% of the Australian population. A person with an eating disorder may experience long term impairment to social and functional roles and the impact may include psychiatric and behavioural effects, medical complications, social isolation, disability and an increased risk of death. Taken from National Eating Disorders Collaboration website.
Both being obese and having eating disorders cause a strain on our health system.
There are always two sides to a story as I keep getting told. I understand people have opinions. I understand that I can be judgmental on these issues as I have not been obese, though I have family that are, and are on medication to "keep them alive". I just believe in being healthy and living the best possible life I can to be around for my children and grand children and hopefully longer.
Have a great week everyone, if you have an opinion I am happy to hear it in the comments.
Hayley xx
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