Tomorrow is Open Water Swimming again, race 2. 2.5km again at one of our lovely beaches in Perth. As I wake at 5:30am to leave home at 6am and everyone else in my family are asleep I plug my headphones into my ears, turn the the ignition on in my car, pull out of my driveway and head to the coast which is a 30+ minute drive. I play the swim over in my head one the way down, also eating my banana as well, and get some fluids in to the body. Park the car and head for registration, get my cap and timing chip and make myself comfortable as I wait for our briefing and call up for our distance start.
When I do these kind of distance swims and I am starting to get a little tired in the water, I have this running through my head from my all time favourite movie...
I have such a love for the ocean. I had people at work ask me tonight if I am worried about Sharks, and I know I have mentioned this before, that I have total respect for the life of the ocean.
I am hoping for a better time that race one. So with fingers crossed that the weather stays calm and so do the waters it will be an awesome morning for swimming. Weather has just been checked, looking good.
May we all reach for the sky with our dream on land or in the water. We are all more than capable to reach them and exceed them. Nothing in life is going to be easy, and where would the challenge be if you didn't have to work for your dreams...goals.
Lets be thankful for our challenges in life whether they be life long or short term. They make us who we are, and who we will be.
Hayley xx
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