Chase Your Dreams

Chase Your Dreams

Sunday 3 January 2016

Quietening the Mind....

 Finding the time to sit quietly and read or think can be hard to do, I myself have always, for as long as I can remember always had a active mind and sometimes a little over active. These days with technology always with us pretty much 24/7 we don't seem to get that time to just shut down, or we do and we choose not to or its just so hard.

I have found over the past year that when I have been swimming longer distances in the pool, my mind would seriously run a muck, then I got a water proof iPod for Christmas (2014) and that made a huge difference, I either had a fast paced playset on, or something a little lighter and slower. I found the iPod really helped me with all the noise in my head, the negatives that ran wild and the noise that just wouldn't go away, which made my swimming unpleasant and frustrating at times.

 It became necessary to have my iPod on for pretty much most of my swim sessions, and then mid 2015 I was finding that the sound of music constantly play in my ears was getting annoying as well. I felt like I was going around in circles. Either have music or negative thoughts. Then I decided to play in my mind certain parts of my favourite kids movie...of course...Finding Nemo.

This seemed to help as well, and as I felt myself relax more with my stroke I was getting to a point where I could almost go to sleep while I was swimming, ah yes that meditative mind set, the body is relaxed enough while doing what it needs to do, and the mind has gone all quiet. I have had moments like this while swimming and am sure that I have closed my eyes and drifted off for seconds, which feels so much longer.

When we give ourselves the chance to quieten our minds, I deeply believe our souls do speak to us. We find new ideas, answers to long lost questions, guidance and so much more. We also allow the creative sides of ourselves to come forward and show what is there, if in thought and in more.

Lets take some time to just be silent and listen as closely to your inner-self to see what its trying to tell might be pleasantly surprised.

Have an amazing week where ever you are in this big wide world of ours :)

Hayley xx

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