Chase Your Dreams

Chase Your Dreams

Thursday 3 December 2015

The Universe Talks....

 No matter what you believe the universe talks, whether you believe in God, or a spiritual creator, we all have some form of belief system,  for me its the Universe. Like for instance to day, driving, which is usually the time I can dream and listen to the world.

I have dreams of writing, learning and helping others. I believe its true that we do hold the key to our journey, as no one else is on the same journey as you or me. People will walk beside you, but not in your shoes, as you to walk beside others. Our journeys start as a blank canvas when we were born, and as we grow and we are taught by our parents, family, school, friends, lovers, husbands, wives, children and so one, even by our animals (pets) that life isn't easy, its full of twists and turns, and some amazing and exciting events, moments. There are also some sad events in our lives like loosing family, or friends or loved ones to illness, accidents, and so forth. These are the twists that we don't have the control of the steering wheel to direct for these not to happen.

 For me when I am driving and usually when I don't have music on playing to distract me, I have these awesome conversations in my mind, on what I would love to do with parts of my life and how I would do them, how I can just maybe make a small difference in someone else's life. Books to read, information to look at, study to do, photos to take, swimming to do and where. Its almost like being a "free spirit" letting yourself dream so big, that there is this feeling of "have I dreamed to big, and yeah that would be a bit scary", but what is stopping me from building these dreams into a reality, why can't I help others, why can't I write that book that has been in me since high school, when I wrote a story and scored an "A+" for it and I still remember some of that story that I wrote.

So what might 2016 have install for me, more dreams, goals, writing, photography, swimming and yes helping others, I have no idea how just yet, but I am sure just some how it will happen.

What does 2016 have install for you, what dreams are you chasing, what do you want to happen next year, what are you plans for the next couple of years, yes you can talk to yourself about what your heart truly wants for you, its not always about what you mind wants, its what you heart so deeply desires. Find that one thing that you dream of that scares you to your core and go for it, chase that dream, do what is needed to make that dream come true, and like I have heard so many times recently from one amazing person I know that walked 5500 kilometers across Australia to raise money and awareness for Heart Disease and a more healthy life, Never Give Up, Never Quit and if you stumble get back up and keep going, its not going to be easy, if its going to happen the universe will put the right people, moments, events in the line of your path for you to get there, where you are supposed to be.

 Strive, reach, dream, be scared, be positive and you know what, you will do it!

Have an awesome Friday and weekend....

Hayley xx

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