I have managed now to sit and relax and cool off under the air-conditioner in the study. I have my favourite music playing and just trying to chill out a bit.
I find this time of year a little unpleasant and unfortunately some people around me end up having to face my grumpy demeanor. I have for many years built up my guard from negative conversations that I have had over certain Christmas lunches and dinners, though I just have to remember I don't have to sit through them any more and can relax and enjoy the day more than I used to.

This is also the time people start to look forward to working out New Years Resolutions, something I don't think I have done in so long. I tend to think about things I would like to do or reach, so for me its more of a goal setting time. It can be a time of connecting with my inner self to work out what is more important to do and reach for.
Resolution: a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting,by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.
the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
This is where the difference is, goals show more direction in my opinion than a resolution which to me is a statement of wanting to do something, though more times it doesn't last more than a couple of days or a month at most.
Lets make the move to connect our own dots our own way...have a great night....
Hayley xx
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