Not even 6 months ago I was scared to take on the Rottnest Channel Swim. What changed my mind? I needed to find a new challenge as I was unable to continue with Triathlon. I found a dvd called Driven and brought it. I watched the dvd which was enough for me to rethink my fears of why I didn't want to do this event originally. I was scared of the amount of jelly-fish and the ships (Cargo) that go through Gage Roads. I didn't worry about the thought of sharks, but jellyfish and big ships were the issues. So I sat and thought to how come these things are such an issue? Was it just irrational fear?
So after a little bit of thinking I managed to work my way through my irrational fears of jellyfish stings (I am allergic to them) by making sure I completely cover myself in sun-cream before each swim and knowing that I will have more than sun-cream on when I do the Rottnest Swim. In regards to the ships, well it will be in the hands of my paddler and support crew to get me through Gage Roads.
How do we deal with our own fears? Well that is up to ourselves as individuals, some people will live with their fears and never over come them, others will work their way around their fears and others will barrel right through their fears.
I think I have always been one to barrel through my fears, and work out the practical and logical way to deal with them, and get on with things.
I understand why we are afraid of things happening, or not happening, but what is it that keeps us there in the middle of our fears? Is it the unknown, or is it the possibility of success, and being fearful of what that might bring for us?
I want to dip deep within myself and beat my fears of jellyfish and massive cargo ships, and swim 19.7km across the Rottnest Channel next year and see that I have what it takes to swim that distance and reach the finish line and say...Yes I did it, I conquered my fears and enjoy the moment of the start, swim and finish and sharing that with my family and best friends.
I truly believe we can find within ourselves the courage and determination to barrel through our own fears to get to the other side and get through our fears, and see what life has install for us, and we might just be luck enough to have our lives be filled so many positive things.
With each open water swim I do, each Sunday I build distance and deal with being stung by jellyfish, which do hurt when they get you, but I don't have any long lasting issues, as I am covered in sun-cream with each swim I do, so I am left with little welts, but they don't hurt. As for the Ships, that fear won't be fully over come until the day of the 2016 Rottnest Channel Swim, but I am excited and eager to get in the water and push my body and mind to a new level.
I hope that people can find ways to barrel through their fears and find that they build courage and confidence to reach what ever goals and dreams we have.
Have a great week...
Hayley xx
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