Today I had that happen when talking to a someone about what I would like to do with my life experience and personal training qualifications. I want to help others who are dealing with their own eating disorder demons, from those who have anorexia, bulimia, and to the other end of the spectrum of over eating. I would like to put a program together for schools, as I believe that is really a starting point for young people when it comes to dealing with body image.
I look back on my time in high school and the torment that went on in so many different areas, of body image, and levels of experience with boys and so many other areas of teenage life. I found it difficult as I was wanting to be part of the "in" crowd, but really didn't fit into that area. Its interesting how later in life when you go to school reunions and the ones you see that were part of the "in" crowd recognise you and by name as well, so I guess you can still be a someone who stands out just in a different way.

So I continued on my merry way, with only eating a little bit each day and exercising up to twice a day, and throwing in "junk miles" on my days off of work to keep the happy endorphin's going to keep me feeling good about myself. Endorphin's became my drug of choice, so to speak, that high feeling that came naturally from swimming and running, I kind of got it from cycling, more at then end of a ride than during it, especially the long rides that hurt. Running was my go to exercise where I could put my music on and just go and pound the pavement, sweat and feel great. I could pump out 10 kilometers and feel awesome for the rest of the day, though I would come back home and drink heaps of water and sports drinks, but wouldn't refuel properly. Then I would go to work and really be to tired to eat much for dinner. Which then became a crazy cycle day in day out.

Since making the positive changes to my life, I have managed to gain 8 kilograms over 2 years, which for me is amazing, and there is more to gain, and with great support from family and friends I will continue to live a very healthy life and hopefully get the chance to help or even prevent other girls going through what I did for nearly 30 years.
We all go through different things in our lives that we can use to help others to heal or see that they to can come out the other side and live productive and amazing lives. Its a matter of making choices and following your heart and not what others think is best for us, we need to know in our hearts that we are worth so much.
Have a great day.
Hayley xx
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