Over the last few months I have come to realise that I wish I had known self belief a long time ago. When we truly believe deeply that we can do anything the Universe turns to match and make our belief's come to fruition. We are all capable of doing so much, whether its sport, a particular career, travelling, what ever your dreams are. I know I have spoken about self belief lately, it has really come to the surface for me over the past few weeks. With regards to my swimming, and helping others as well, and helping myself on many other levels.
I think growing up in the world today is so more difficult than it was 20 years ago, with so much more technology and competition for jobs, schools, your own place in the universe, that is can be very difficult to know who you are as a person or even where you fit in to everything around you.

I have been reading the book, "The Secret" over the last couple of months, in amongst my studies, work and swimming training. Its a great book to lay in bed and read before heading off into a world of slumber. Now I know the book isn't for everyone, but when you feel like you have been given this for a reason, you seem to just need to follow the path it lays before you.
I have found that I am enjoying my swimming so much more for myself and not for competition against others. I have found an avenue I wish to follow with my study and helping others. I am constantly being surprised by what the universe lays before me to take a hold of and run with and build on.
Taking each day for what it is and what it can offer is so exciting.
Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the now!
Hayley xx
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