I guess that is the thing, we look for the materialistic things that we think make us happy, but when it should be the things we experience in life that bring us joy, excitement and understanding of ourselves. For a long time I have wanted a new car, as mine is old and banged up, but when I decided to drive my old car to Busselton (two and half hours from home) I felt a strange connection with my car, as daft as that sounds, this car has gotten me from point A to point B more times than I can remember, she doesn't cost much to run and I feel that, that is more important than having a new car just because she is old, or damaged. She isn't broken and still works well, with a few minor fixes to come, she will be good as new. This old car of mine didn't skip a beat on the trip down to Busselton and I was able to have the most amazing time in one of my favourite towns and spend some awesome time with a great friend of mine. So it came down to the journey I took with my car to an amazing place that was an experience that I won't forget any time soon.
Each day I make sure I experience something new. I have recently gotten back into some photography, mainly using my iPhone as my camera isn't working all that well at the moment. As I drive around I see things like flowers, signs, buildings and people in a different way, its how I would photograph that particular subject and the light and surrounds. Its amazing to be seeing so many things in such a new way.
So as we step forward into another week, we should take a closer look at the experiences we have, as they are the lessons we are to learn, and reach for, not the material things that we think will make us happy and full filled.
Please take the time this week to experience life and your journey as you are the only one on that journey which is "your life".
Hayley xx
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