Chase Your Dreams

Chase Your Dreams

Saturday 31 October 2015

Cottesloe 5 Kilometer Swim...

Yesterday saw myself and a group of friends hit the ocean for a 5 kilometer and 2.5 kilometer swim. Myself and my training partner we did the 5 kilometer swim as we prepare for out 10 kilometer swim in two weeks and the Rottnest Channel Swim in three months.

Standing on the beach the water didn't look that rough, well once we got in, I have to say it wasn't very calm either. There were a number of other "bonuses" waiting for us. Stingers (jellyfish) and seaweed. The first lap which is 1.25 kilometers was interesting as you swim you are seeing others being hauled out of the water by the Cottesloe Beach Royal Life Savers. Obviously people were taken a back by the number of stingers out in the water and the amount of seaweed about a hundred meters from the first turning buoy.

A Crazy Bunch Ready to Swim

So with in a few hundred meters we hit the first and not the last lot of stingers. These little "shits" as I call them, were a plenty. with stings up the arms you push through, but what goes through the mind is you have another three laps after this one to go, and you know you are going to get bomb-barded  by them on each lap you do at about the same place. The seaweed, wasn't that bad after the first lap as it became dispersed more with each lap we did. Water wise we were getting pushed towards to beach.

Myself with my race number
When you have an event where there is a large number of obstacles such as jellyfish, you need to either shut that pain feeling you get down and just keep going or you let that burning sting feeling get to you and get out. I was determined to just get through the 5 kilometers and finish. I have gotten to a point with my swimming that I am able to shut my mind down from negative thoughts. I was able to visualise  being in the 10km event that is two weeks away, and also the Rottnest Channel Swim. The need to be able to deal with these interruptions (jellyfish, seaweed and rough water) is all part of the training.  I only got to a bad point, when I was about 250m from the finish when I felt like I was swimming through a thick layer of jellyfish that were stinging me all over and as I tried to kick myself faster, managed to get a cramp in my right calf, which stopped me for a minute or so. Though with the help of my training partner quickly giving it a quick rub, I swam it out and though felt like by the time I hit the sand to get out, I wouldn't be able to walk or run on the leg.

The only other issue was sprinters swimming though you. There was one point where I got a little frustrated and hit the swimmers rage button and pulled one of the girls by her ankle as I was a little annoyed by this point.

So with a good and respectable time of 1:45:58 which comes down to 2:07(mins) per 100m I was totally happy with our times, as I gave us two hours to get it done in, not knowing the weather and other conditions. Looking further we are on target for a three and half hours for our 10 kilometer swim in two weeks.

Have a great week everyone...

Hayley xx

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