I believe in this day and age, with all our technology that is at our finger tips to make our lives so much easier, I think in a way has made it more difficult and more stressful. We are now contactable 24/7 from anyone anywhere in the world. In the last couple of days I have had a rejuvenation of energy to make as many positive things happen in my life this year and every year after.
I have a large room in my house full of craft products from when I owned my own craft shop, which went under (closed business). It has been a thorn in my side every time I walk past this room, and brings back negative feelings. So as of tomorrow its time to make a positive change and clean the room out, and sell as much of the craft stuff I have and clean the room up ready to turn the room in to my gym, and a working gym from clients after I have finished my Personal Training course.
There are going to be times when negative thoughts will go through our minds, but we need to stay focused daily to what our thoughts are and to make the positive changes happen. Believing in yourself is a start, believing you are worth having a happy life and reaching your goals and dreams is a continuation.
I always believed I needed to be more than what I was to be happy, well that couldn't have been further from the truth. I needed to believe in myself and understand I was worth everything at that time to myself, and I didn't have to be something I wasn't for everyone else. I am thankful today for the book The Secret to be placed in my hands to read. The time was right for me to read the book and to take note of my feelings and thoughts. So as I step forward I hold positive thoughts daily of what I want for my today, tomorrow and future.
Step out this week and have positive thoughts and believe you are worth having your dreams come true.
Have a great week
Hayley xx
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