As my last post on Wednesday was a bit of a blah kind of day, yesterday turned into a day of pain.
As I have been out of running action from mid May till about 2 weeks ago, my body is feeling a few changes that are being made to my running form, and new training plan. So yesterday morning as I was getting dressed my lower back shot pain through my lower back and down my sciatic nerve. Well I can tell you, I was not happy. I spent a part of the morning stretching my lower back and trying to take the pressure away. I ended up taking pain relief and got a massage to help.
So my first thought was...bugger no running today, and then it was...oh crap no running for the rest of the week. So what does a girl do? she heads for the local pool this morning for a light swim session, a pleasant 1500m and some relief. Now normally I would be the type of person who would be the biggest grump if I couldn't run for any short period of time and take all my frustrations out of everyone around me. Well this time I have stayed focused on recovering the right way, with massage, pain relief, swimming and being careful.
So for the rest of the weekend this is how it will be...Saturday will be a swim, nothing huge, probably about 1500m, and pain relief if needed. Sunday I will go for a walk, about 5km and then breakfast with hubby and shopping in the late morning and afternoon with my daughter.
Week 3, I hope to be back to short runs and some strength training, and of course more swimming. I will be trying out my new Aqua Fitness Belt, so if I can't get back on the road next week I can run in the water, or even head for an anti-gravity training session, which is a special kind of treadmill. So with my dream of the Boston Marathon, my training continues and even with a little turn in my road there, we will be back on the straight very soon.
I have learnt that as I get older, my body will tell me that something isn't right, and its time to finally listen to it properly and make sure I take care of it, so that I can make my dreams come true.
So I say goodnight, and hope everyone has a great weekend, I leave you with this image...
Hayley :)
Hayley great to hear your positive attitude and determination.