I was feeling super comfortable being in the water and my stroke rate was going really well. I was steaming ahead. It was time for my first feed and it felt like I had only just gotten in the water, but it was 30 minutes into the swim as I had instructed. I was feeling great. With my first feed down and feeling comfortable I was back on the go, head down and arms swinging. My breathing was great, felt calm and comfortable. Time past and the water still calm it was already time for a second feed. Time went on and then by about the fourth or fifth feed I was starting to get nauseous and then up it came. This continued for some time on and off, until just after the 10 kilometer mark I was so very sick and was not feeling great any more.
I kept swimming and by the 12km mark I was still feeling sick but managed to take in a little fluid and carbs to keep pushing. I was sick a couple of more times and as I neared the 15km mark and with just 4.7km to go, I stopped, and my kayaker said we will feed and see how we go. The interesting part to all of this was my "form", swimming stroke was still very good as it was from the start, it was just that I was slowing down and I was taking more rests. By the time we just past the 15km mark and was nearing the 16km I stopped, took a sip of water and just felt like I wanted to sleep and felt so cold in the water. I knew this was not a good sign, and was starting to borderline hypothermia, which is very dangerous. So that was it, I was pulled out of the water at my decision and headed to the Rottnest Island to meet up with medical to be checked and family. I was disappointed in the end result initially as my training partner and boss Kim made it to the finish in eight and half hours which was totally awesome.
It was hard yesterday to hold in the sadness I felt that didn't get to the finish line. I was disappointed that I didn't make it to the finish line. I am though very proud that I have taken on this journey to learn that I have come such a long way in just over twelve months to see the true me, and the deep seated determination and courage to take on such a massive swim, that I have finally dealt with my eating disorder and can say I am fully in recovery. I have learnt more about myself in this time than in my 40+ years of life. I tried, I don't think I failed, I just hit some hurdles that I couldn't over come on the day, but the best part is, after some recovery time, getting my foot fixed and some down time to think, process and rejuvenate, I will be back in the water with the same end goal though with some good well needed changes to help me get there. So its now Rottnest Channel Swim 2017 that I will rise to conquer.
Have an awesome week...
Hayley xx
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