With nine months left till the Rottnest Channel Swim, I am starting to feel like everything is falling into place. I have managed to locate a local person with a boat and skippers ticket to be able to be part of our support crew. This is usually one of the biggest parts to the organisation of the event for swimmers. So fingers crossed tomorrow it will be confirmed and then just one more boat and skipper to find for my training partner.
I am enjoying the journey of training and organising all that we need to, to reach such an amazing event. I still get told that I am one crazy person for swimming in the ocean at the end of May, when the morning temperatures are about 8 degrees celcius, I don't think I have ever been open water swimming during this time of the year, I have to admit I am quite enjoying the new experience, as much as the water is cold, and I do wear a wetsuit to protect myself from the cold and also jellyfish stings, but come September the wetsuit is off and the acclimatisation to the elements is back on.

When it comes to preparing for such a large event, it is so important to believe in yourself, but also to believe in your journey and preparation that you put yourself through. I have come to find that there are certain times that you can loose sight of the end, but as long as you stay focused on the day and week at that point everything is good. Even if its a time of being sick or dealing with an injury, this is part of the journey. Its time to take stock and reassess where you are at and if you are still on track with the goal. Are there some changes that need to be made or added? This has taken me a long time to learn and so glad that I can enjoy this truly amazing time in my life.
I saw this photo on Facebook the other day. This is the view I love so much when I am swimming, seeing what is ahead, below and above. Being able to swim in such an amazing ocean is magical.
On this note I will say goodnight and hope everyone has an amazing Saturday, and find an amazing view that takes your breath away just for a moment.
Hayley xx
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