I was reading a letter that was sent into the magazine from a reader who had found FitnessRX to help her come to see where she needed to make some changes to her life in order to loose the weight she felt needed to go. The words that caught my eye were "The driving force behind my new life was being tired of being unhappy with who I had become. I refused to be embarrassed or for people say, 'She has such a pretty face', because they couldn't say I was beautiful with the body I possessed. I then turned from dieting to fueling and from movement for calorie burn. I sculpted a body I love."
Its the words turned from dieting to fueling got me. If only so many other people could see this as well. I had to see it from the perspective of having an eating disorder, where I would eat one meal a day and do everything possible to burn those calories off because I needed to have the feel of control.
This youtube video is one to watch for some serious inspiration. I have a friends whom is currently training to run/walk from Perth, Western Australia to Brisbane, Queensland. Yesterday Gary ran an Ultra Marathon in Bunbury 2hrs from Perth, today he started his 3 day walk back to Perth as part of his training, and he is just an inspiration. He put this video link up on facebook, and was awesome to see that no matter how old we are, or what shape we are in, there is always hope to live our dreams.
I have a dream to help others with eating disorders to heal and recover. I dream of swimming from Perth to Rottnest. I have a dream to be able to run again. No matter what our age and circumstances we can all dream, its then coming up with a plan to make your dreams come true.
Hayley xx
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