Chase Your Dreams

Saturday, 31 January 2015
Cottesloe to Swanbourne Swim Through...2015
This morning I woke at 5:15am to a windy morning with the sun just starting to poke is rays up for a new day. I was picked up by a great friend of mine, whom I haven 't see for six months, as he has just moved back to Perth from the UK, he to is a swimmer, cyclist and runner, and an awesome person. We headed to Cottesloe Beach for our swim, with so many more like minded people for the Cott to Swanny-Ocean Classic, a 2.2km swim.
The easterly winds were blowing in the hills of Perth where our homes are, and by the time we hit the beach 40 minutes later it was calm and balmy. The water also calm which was a great sign for our swim. We headed for registration to have our names checked off the list and given our caps and timing chip. My race number was 406. We went through the race briefing.
Then it was time for the paddlers to head out for the start line. Then it was the runners. It was the swimmers time to line up, the blue caps went first, then the red caps and then us the white caps. I had predicted my finish time to be 45 minutes. With this in mind, I was out to find the clearest piece of water and stay focused on my swim, technique and keeping my mind for becoming negative. Yes I had a couple of issues with certain swimmers who don't seem to sight all that well, and keep criss-crossing in front of me and blocking me off which was very frustrating, but I managed to stay on track with my swim and goal.
This was the first time in doing a swim through (a swim that is one direction from point A to point B) usually I do swims that are laps of the required distance. I have to say that I enjoyed this style of swim, and could picture longer swims in this style such as the Rottnest Channel Swim.
I came up onto the beach and through the finish line, and was feeling awesome. The swim felt great, as it was reasonably calm, though at one point the current was little stronger, though managed to get through well. We left Swanbourne Beach and headed back to Cottesloe to get the car and then back to the hills of Perth we call home.
Later today I checked for the results of today's swim. I was happy to see that I finished two minutes under my predicted time. 43:07.7.
Today was the first time in an open water race that I managed to swim 1:57/100m, yes I have done it in the pool, but not in the ocean, so today has been one of learning, understanding and commitment to the event, and reaching a predicted time or beating it.
I now look forward to a three kilometer training session tomorrow morning at Cottesloe Beach and the Bussleton Jetty Swim next weekend. I have predicted 1:10:00 for the jetty swim and hope for good conditions, even if its rough I will have the knowledge that I can finish.
Have a great weekend
Hayley xx
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Advantages to Exercise....
As a mother of two (18 and 19 year olds) and being the age of 43, I am lucky enough to be slim and fit. I also regularly get comments on how young I look. There has been times when people have thought me to be in my late 20's until I tell them the age of my children and how old I actually am.
When I was in the midst of my eating disorder and ill from undiagnosed Coeliacs Disease I actually looked worse and older then than I do now, as a healthier and more toned person.
Yes it is still hard for me to maintain a good weight level, and to even gain as I need to at the moment for endurance swimming. I have to make sure I am eating enough calories to maintain my energy levels for my training and also my weight gain. I am thankful for having a great Dietitian who was the one who suspected the eating disorder in the first place, when even I wasn't prepared to come to the realization of what it was. When I feel like I am slipping back or need to gain and need help with gaining, I head straight for my dietitian for help.
So here are my advantages of exercising:
1. Looking and feeling younger
2. Maintaining good mental health and alertness
3. Daily dose of Vitamin D, when you exercise outside (swimming, running, cycling, walking, hiking, etc)
4. Camaraderie with those you train with (training partner, personal trainer, running club, swimming club, walking club)
5. Keeping Visceral fat low (this is the fat that stores around your organs and is what causes a lot of issues with stroke, heart attack and many other health issues.
So what is there not to like about exercise, it can be something as simple and a good pace walk, 30 minutes a day, a swim, anything that gets your heart rate up and keep it there for a while, I love a good 7 - 10 kilometer walk in my suburb, that has one of the best hills to your your legs, butt, heart and lungs.
The other part to exercise is your "diet", I really don't like using that word, but I will in the sense that it is, what you eat, not restricting your calories. I think and try to stick to the 80:20 rule, where out of 7 days you stay on target with eating healthy and clean for 5 days, but also allow yourself 2 days to relax and have that bit of chocolate, or wine, or beer, or what ever your heart desires, but...and yes there is a "but" in this, moderation is the word. These 2 days are not for you to binge and undo all the good work you do on the 5 days you stay true. The 2 days are to allow yourself a little treat here and there to let your body know its not being completely restricted of everything you love. I find this is the best way for people who are trying to loose weight and will stick to a new and healthy lifestyle.
Have a great day...
Hayley xx
When I was in the midst of my eating disorder and ill from undiagnosed Coeliacs Disease I actually looked worse and older then than I do now, as a healthier and more toned person.
Yes it is still hard for me to maintain a good weight level, and to even gain as I need to at the moment for endurance swimming. I have to make sure I am eating enough calories to maintain my energy levels for my training and also my weight gain. I am thankful for having a great Dietitian who was the one who suspected the eating disorder in the first place, when even I wasn't prepared to come to the realization of what it was. When I feel like I am slipping back or need to gain and need help with gaining, I head straight for my dietitian for help.
So here are my advantages of exercising:
1. Looking and feeling younger
2. Maintaining good mental health and alertness
3. Daily dose of Vitamin D, when you exercise outside (swimming, running, cycling, walking, hiking, etc)
4. Camaraderie with those you train with (training partner, personal trainer, running club, swimming club, walking club)
5. Keeping Visceral fat low (this is the fat that stores around your organs and is what causes a lot of issues with stroke, heart attack and many other health issues.
So what is there not to like about exercise, it can be something as simple and a good pace walk, 30 minutes a day, a swim, anything that gets your heart rate up and keep it there for a while, I love a good 7 - 10 kilometer walk in my suburb, that has one of the best hills to your your legs, butt, heart and lungs.
The other part to exercise is your "diet", I really don't like using that word, but I will in the sense that it is, what you eat, not restricting your calories. I think and try to stick to the 80:20 rule, where out of 7 days you stay on target with eating healthy and clean for 5 days, but also allow yourself 2 days to relax and have that bit of chocolate, or wine, or beer, or what ever your heart desires, but...and yes there is a "but" in this, moderation is the word. These 2 days are not for you to binge and undo all the good work you do on the 5 days you stay true. The 2 days are to allow yourself a little treat here and there to let your body know its not being completely restricted of everything you love. I find this is the best way for people who are trying to loose weight and will stick to a new and healthy lifestyle.
Hayley xx
Monday, 26 January 2015
Success to training for Perth To Rottnest Channel Swim
While doing a 2.5 kilometer open water swim event today, for the first time while swimming I managed to stay "in the zone" as they say, I swam without my mind going into negative over drive. It was amazing to feel strong while swimming and confident in my mental strength and physical strength. I guess I managed to trust myself in getting through the swim and knowing that even with the swell, I was able to stay on track with my sighting and push through the water.
I could feel my back twinge a few times, which hasn't happened before, but I stayed focused and kept strong, and thought it will be fixed tomorrow when I see the physio for treatment. I managed 1:01:41.40 which was great. As I am also training for longer distances such as 5km, 10km and 20km the next so working my ass off in training is definitely on the cards, I can say that the weight training I have been doing over the last few months has definitely made a huge difference, so I will be continuing with my weight training as of Tuesday this week.
I still have another two or three competitive swims coming up between now and the 2nd March, then its into solid training. This will help with my Personal Training studies as I would like to focus on weight training for endurance sports such as swimming and running.
This week should progress in the following way: Tomorrow physio and a gym session, Wednesday a light swim session, then Thursday will be a rest and so will Friday, as Saturday is a 2.2km open water swim which will be great, as it will be a little different to what I am used to, as its a swim through from one beach to another heading north. I will then have another week before I do another awesome swim at a lovely spot called Bussleton, which will be their annual Jetty Swim which is a 3.6 kilometer swim.
Have a great week everyone :)
Hayley xx
Thursday, 22 January 2015
What Would You Tell The 15yr Old you?...
The other day I saw a post on Facebook that had this question..."What would you tell the 15 year old you, if you could?"
I sat and thought about this today, I would have told myself not to bother with the boys, and focus more on my schooling, be true to myself and don't seek the approval of others and love and respect yourself for who you are and what you believe.
I think I have come to a point in my life where I can dance in the rain and enjoy the moment, and not think that I have to wait for the perfect moment for something to happen.
I wish I knew about the book "The Secret" when I was 15. Learning that our thoughts attract so much in our lives. I am seeing for myself that having the thoughts of competing in a particular marathon swim will require certain necessities (boat, skipper, paddler, etc), I asked my best friend if he would paddle for me, and he agreed, I was putting out the Universe thoughts of a boat and skipper that I would need and how much I was prepared to pay for this service. I had a lovely gentleman come into work on the weekend (Sunday) and was wearing a particular t-shirt with this marathon swim written on it. I asked him if he had done the swim before, and he had as a duo/team, but these days was hiring out his boat and being a skipper for people each year. I asked how much he charged and when he told me I was excited. I asked if I could hire his services for next years event (2016) and he said yes and how I could contact him.
So by holding positive feelings and thoughts about this event, some of the important requirements are already in place. Each day I am grateful for waking each morning to a new day of what I wish for from the Universe. Each time I get into the pool or ocean to swim I picture the marathon swim I am training for, and putting out positive thoughts to how I wish for it to go. So when I struggle or feel tired in the water I think of the last few hundred meters and coming up on the beach to run through the finish of a 20km swim and all the people clapping and cheering for me and the feelings I will have of finishing such an event and the excitement of doing the event.
I totally believe in positive thinking, feelings and more to help making your dreams come true.
I hope everyone has an awesome night or day.
Hayley xx
Monday, 19 January 2015
Making the right choices...
Choice: an abundance or variety from which to choose:
For the first time in ages I have started studying, by taking on a Personal Training course (online) and the time I will spend in front of the computer reading and answering questions and researching, I have made a conscious decision not to eat rubbish food, and make sure I have good healthy choices to eat and drink while studying.
This is a necessary decision as it is so very easy to just grab chocolate, coke, chips, lollies to keep me going as I also work full time as well as taking on this study. I have seen people who study whether at University, College, or at home and while studying eating so much crappy food to keep them going and keep the energy levels up. When really you are feeding an endless cycle of insulin highs and massive crashes as well. I used to do the sugar survival, before I knew better.
So as I take on this course, work and training, it is extremely important that I feed my body, mind and soul in the healthiest way possible. Lots of fruit, protein, salads, vegetables, water, pasta, eggs, rice, great organic coffee, chocolate milk and sustagen. I do though believe in the 80:20 rule for gaining and loosing weight. For five days of the week I maintain good healthy choices and allow myself on the weekends a little treat on Saturday and Sunday.
Over the next 12 months I need to gain an extra 8 kilograms to my frame, of lean muscle and a little body fat, as I plan to swim the Perth to Rottnest Channel (20km) in 2016, in order to reduce the risks of hypothermia and making sure I have good energy storage capacity. This is a swim that will take me approximately 7-9 hours. So with all the training coming up and with life in general it is vital to look after myself.
I deeply believe that we are never to old to do or learn new things. As a 43 year old mother and wife I look forward to learning so much and doing more this year and many years to come. I hope I can be a great role-model to my kids especially my daughter to say, just because you are "older" doesn't mean you can't strive to meet your goals and dreams.
I hope everyone has a great week and make the right choices for your mind, body and spirit.
Hayley xx
For the first time in ages I have started studying, by taking on a Personal Training course (online) and the time I will spend in front of the computer reading and answering questions and researching, I have made a conscious decision not to eat rubbish food, and make sure I have good healthy choices to eat and drink while studying.
This is a necessary decision as it is so very easy to just grab chocolate, coke, chips, lollies to keep me going as I also work full time as well as taking on this study. I have seen people who study whether at University, College, or at home and while studying eating so much crappy food to keep them going and keep the energy levels up. When really you are feeding an endless cycle of insulin highs and massive crashes as well. I used to do the sugar survival, before I knew better.
So as I take on this course, work and training, it is extremely important that I feed my body, mind and soul in the healthiest way possible. Lots of fruit, protein, salads, vegetables, water, pasta, eggs, rice, great organic coffee, chocolate milk and sustagen. I do though believe in the 80:20 rule for gaining and loosing weight. For five days of the week I maintain good healthy choices and allow myself on the weekends a little treat on Saturday and Sunday.
Over the next 12 months I need to gain an extra 8 kilograms to my frame, of lean muscle and a little body fat, as I plan to swim the Perth to Rottnest Channel (20km) in 2016, in order to reduce the risks of hypothermia and making sure I have good energy storage capacity. This is a swim that will take me approximately 7-9 hours. So with all the training coming up and with life in general it is vital to look after myself.
I deeply believe that we are never to old to do or learn new things. As a 43 year old mother and wife I look forward to learning so much and doing more this year and many years to come. I hope I can be a great role-model to my kids especially my daughter to say, just because you are "older" doesn't mean you can't strive to meet your goals and dreams.
I hope everyone has a great week and make the right choices for your mind, body and spirit.
Hayley xx
Friday, 16 January 2015
Finding motivation can come from so many different avenues. From people, events, work, strangers, pro athletes, animals, and just day to day living. We should be taking each day when we wake and say thank you to the Universe for giving us another day on earth to breath and enjoy. So take each day and find something that motivates you do, what you want and love.
Have an awesome weekend
Hayley xx
Thursday, 15 January 2015
Taking on new studies...
Today is the start of a new chapter in my life. I finally enrolled into my online Personal Training course today, with excitement I await for my course documents to be emailed to me and to start learning everything there is to personal training, and the areas I want to really delve into is one-on-one strength session (weight loss included), helping girls exercise in a healthy way if they have had an eating disorder before, and to learn that having muscle and being strong is an amazing thing. Also strength training for endurance sports.
This course is something I have wanted to do for a long time, but I wanted to make sure I was doing it for the right reasons, and as I am on the better side of recovery from my eating disorder, its time to bring this dream to fruition. I would also like to take on a nutrition course later to add to my personal training, so I can see the next 12-18 months being very busy for me, but all in the most positive way.
For me the last couple of days have been tough, mainly mentally, as I try to keep a positive attitude as much as I possibly can, there have been moments and a few more than there should be to, tears, frustration and anger. I have been asked on more than one occasion of why I feel like I do? Initially I didn't know, or really didn't want to say, until last night sitting in a "cool room" at work sobbing and realizing that I haven't been eating properly and that the voice of my eating disorder trying to get the better of me.
So today I managed to get my head above the darkness of the game with help from a close friend and deal with the emotions running through me and making sure today when I could feel my energy levels dropping and the tiredness kicking in, was to have a chocolate milk with sustagen in it for an great healthy energy boost. So for the first time in three days I have managed to keep an even temper and feel good and positive all day.
I look forward to sharing this experience with you all as well.
Have a great Friday and weekend...
Hayley xx
Monday, 12 January 2015
Making Time For What You Truly Want...
All these photo's were taken today at Cottesloe Beach, Perth, Western Australia. I can honestly say we are very lucky here to have such amazing beaches to swim and play in. When I was there, early yesterday morning the water was crystal clear and you could see the marine life under you as you swam. Such an awesome feeling to be a part of it all.
I have always had a love for the beach, from being a child living in the hills of Perth (45 minutes away from the beach) coming down with my dad on a Sunday morning for an hour and swimming and playing, always wanting to
be way over my head in deep water. As kids we would spend time at the beach with my grandparents who lived 15 minutes from Cottesloe Beach, at City Beach, another great place to swim, though tends to be a little rougher in the water.
Today was just a short 800m swim, as I had already done a pool session this morning. I just felt the need to get into the ocean and enjoy the water and the sun...mind you the sand was hot!
This is also the starting point of the great Perth To Rottnest Channel Swim which is 20 kilometers (12.5 miles).
I have a strong drive and determination do to this marathon swim next year (2016), which I will do it solo, you can also do it as a duo, or team as well, but you must qualify first by doing a 10km timed swim, in under 4 hours and 15 minutes. This is a new challenge for me and one I am very much looking forward to doing.
People constantly tell me there are sharks out there, and there probably is, but they don't scare me as much as stingers (jellyfish) or massive ships that go across Gage Roads. I am sure all will be good on the day, and it will be smooth swimming...well I hope so.
So as Summer here comes to an end in February (technically) I will for the first time swim at an out door pool through Autumn (Fall) and Winter, and as some of our mornings get down to about 0 to 5 degrees Celsius, it will be hard getting up, but keeping in mind that the pool will be heated and watching the steam come off of the water will be amazing, just not looking forward to getting out of the pool, into cold air. I guess this is why the training and conditions we train in help with our mental training, which I have come to believe to be such a huge part of it all. If we don't train our minds as well as our bodies, there is no point going any further with it all.
I am taking time to train and enjoy my swimming, and finding the positives for being out in the ocean and out in the sun...and there are plenty of positives out there, peace and tranquility with the ocean and its contents...even if they can hurt you, but that is minimal, so its enjoying the time on my own, or with training partners. Seeing how far the body can go and feel after doing kilometer after kilometer. Also with being in the pool and following the black line up and down for hours, having the availability of having a waterproof iPod does help when in the pool. I don't use it in the open water, its to dangerous.
What is it that you want to make time to do and truly enjoy? I hope you find it and make the time for it in your life...we only have one life, and I know I don't want to get to the end of mine and if able to think what if...I would like to be able to say I am truly happy with what I have accomplished in my life and just maybe helped others to live the best possible lives they can.
Have an awesome week everyone...
Hayley xx
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Pumped with Positivity....
When we create a positive vision in our minds and our hearts, the world really becomes your oyster. With such positive thoughts this oyster produce the most precious pearl, and this pearl is what you truly desire, need and want in your life.
It is our own thoughts that can make us happy, and it is others that can make them negative by being negative around us, but it is truly up to ourselves to make sure we have positive, happy thoughts as these are what opens us up to the universe to attract what it is we truly need and want in our lives.
This week I finally made the move to clean/cleanse a room in my house that had been I believe holding me back from what it is I want to do in my life and how I want to feel. This particular room had been storing things from my past that I no longer wanted or need, and the feelings of hopelessness were all around me. Since cleaning and throwing things away, and organizing things to be either sold or given away, has lifted this feeling of hopelessness, and brought about feelings of "Anything is possible". So with every new day, I stay focused on the awesome things I want to do in my life and the people I want to have in my life. Its so refreshing to feel driven in life in general and just hope that others start to feel the same and get what they want in their lives as well.
The beach for me is my go to place for peace and thinking, it also represents the never ending as you look out to sea...May our lives be filled with our dreams, desires and happiness...believe in the depths of your heart that you deserve all the happiness in the world and it will come to you.
Have an awesome weekend and stay true to yourself and be happy :)
Hayley xx
Saturday, 3 January 2015
What you think, you become...

I believe in this day and age, with all our technology that is at our finger tips to make our lives so much easier, I think in a way has made it more difficult and more stressful. We are now contactable 24/7 from anyone anywhere in the world. In the last couple of days I have had a rejuvenation of energy to make as many positive things happen in my life this year and every year after.
I have a large room in my house full of craft products from when I owned my own craft shop, which went under (closed business). It has been a thorn in my side every time I walk past this room, and brings back negative feelings. So as of tomorrow its time to make a positive change and clean the room out, and sell as much of the craft stuff I have and clean the room up ready to turn the room in to my gym, and a working gym from clients after I have finished my Personal Training course.
There are going to be times when negative thoughts will go through our minds, but we need to stay focused daily to what our thoughts are and to make the positive changes happen. Believing in yourself is a start, believing you are worth having a happy life and reaching your goals and dreams is a continuation.
I always believed I needed to be more than what I was to be happy, well that couldn't have been further from the truth. I needed to believe in myself and understand I was worth everything at that time to myself, and I didn't have to be something I wasn't for everyone else. I am thankful today for the book The Secret to be placed in my hands to read. The time was right for me to read the book and to take note of my feelings and thoughts. So as I step forward I hold positive thoughts daily of what I want for my today, tomorrow and future.
Step out this week and have positive thoughts and believe you are worth having your dreams come true.
Have a great week
Hayley xx
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