Chase Your Dreams

Chase Your Dreams

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Learning Curves...

 In life we are given learning curves at all different stages of life, from when we are young to our adolescents, early adulthood, even as we become parents and further into the future.

We all have choices when we deal with these learning curves in our lives, we can either take them by the horns and learn the lessons we are supposed to learn or put our heads in the sand and hope they go away.

We learn different ways of getting through these learning curves, and when you are young and these curves can be pretty steep with lessons, they will help you grow in such a way you never thought possible. It won't be just you learning, it will be the people around you that will learn with you.
You may feel like massive roadblocks have been put before you, and you may feel like there is no way you can go around, so the only way is to go through them. Put your helmet on tight and you will go on the ride of your life...

You will come out the other side wiser and more knowledgeable than you went in. You will understand more about yourself and your path in life at that stage and some of these curves are going to make ever lasting stepping stones that you will have to follow. The important part of these learning curves is that yes "you" are going through them, but you will also have company of others when you need help to understand the lessons of these curves.

On my journey through life, I still come along these learning curves, even if they are to do with my children or friends, and they are lessons that are not always meant for just one, but for others as well. These learning curves can be there for you to go through and then to help others who are in the same situation and need extra help. No matter the reason for the lessons remember no matter what happens you will be stronger in the end.

 Put your helmet on and ride like the wind on the learning curves of life.

Hayley xx

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