How many of us are truly happy with what we have done with our lives so far?? Did you have dreams growing up, then as you went through college and university have those dreams been covered over with making sure you did the "right" thing and study something that would give you a stable financial life? Or did you chase your dreams and become what you wanted to be?
If money wasn't an issue, what would you have done??

I dreamed of becoming an Olympic swimmer. I did my swim lessons to a certain level and then stopped, reason why...I don't know. I loved the water, loved the only seemed natural. I would watch the Olympics and dream of being the next gold medalist in the freestyle or backstroke, and yes my favourite strokes even to today. Like everyone else I guess I was conditioned to follow the "right" path and I became a Dental Assistant. I liked it initially, but it was the same mundane efforts each day and with a bad back it became even harder.
I married at an early age (20) and had my kids early as well, which for me is a great thing, though while the kids were little I spent a lot of my time in a deep depression due to having a later found eating disorder and coeliacs disease, which both caused malnourished, which caused the depression, I also got to a point of being suicidal, and thank goodness I never did anything to make it happen. I did though spend many an hour journaling about how I felt and what I thought I really wanted in life, there were the deepest darkest moments as well. Today I can say I am reaching for my deepest dreams and making them come true one at a time.
Challenges come in so many different ways, they could be the goals we set for ourselves, they could be over coming serious illness, no matter what they are it is so very true that things in life don't challenge you, it doesn't change you.
So lets go a little closer with the statement...If Money Was Not An Issue....what would you be doing?? Write that novel that is sitting deep with in you, play your favourite sport at an international level, sing for thousands, become an actor. So what is truly holding us back. Is it the voice of reason that says you need to be realistic and have a "real" job??
Why can't we have that real job, and still manage to reach our dreams. Even if your dreams means going back to school and learning something new, training for the beloved sport, or spending your spare time writing your novel, become the chef you always wanted to be, by starting with cooking for your family.

So why does the horrible feeling of self doubt rise with in us? Is it the feeling of the unknown, is it still that voice that says..."what are you thinking?"... Lets take the feelings of self doubt and throw them to the ends of the earth and place small challenges in place to make the stepping stones to the dream.
I recently watched a video on Facebook in regards to setting yourself a month of challenges. The person making the speech said he spent a month taking photo's everyday of places, etc. Like he said in the video, he now remembers the moments when these photo's were taken and where he was. It wasn't about catching a pretty picture is was about something in that moment that caught his eye and that would leave a lasting memory. If you have that novel curled up with in you, why not spend a month writing a set number of words each day and see what you have by the end of the month.
My goal is to spend September writing. I have a book within me that has been there for a long time, and I believe its about time I actually sat down and put words to paper (so to speak).
I challenge everyone to find something for the month of September to do. Make them small challenges that way you won't be overwhelmed with what you are doing and will keep going with it.
Good luck and have an awesome week...
Hayley xx